Ribomic: Change Report (Special Case Target Stock Certificates, etc.)
Ribomic: Change Report (Special Case Target Stock Certificates, etc.)
Ribomic: Change Report (Stock Certificates Eligible for Special Provisions, etc.)
Ribomic: Change Report
Ribomic: Change Report
Ribomic: Announcements of subscription rights for the 17th time based on the facility contract (with exercise price adjustment clause) regarding the request for suspension of exercise.
Ribomic: Change report.
Ribomic: Change Report
Ribomic: Change Report
RIBOMIC: Change Report
RIBOMIC: Notice regarding the request to stop exercising the 17th Stock Acquisition Rights (with exercise price amendment clause) based on the facility agreement
Ribomics: Change Report
Ribomic: Notice Concerning the Monthly Exercise Status of the 17th Stock Acquisition Rights (with Exercise Price Amendment Clauses)
Ribomic: Mass Ownership Report
Ribomic: Notice Concerning Completion of Payments Relating to Issuance of the 17th Stock Acquisition Rights (with Exercise Price Amendment Clauses) through Third-Party Allotment
Ribomic: Supplementary explanatory materials on the issuance of the 17th Stock Acquisition Rights (with exercise price amendment clause) and conclusion of facility agreements (with suspension of exercise designation clause) through third-party allotment
Ribomic: Notice Concerning Issuance of the 17th Stock Acquisition Rights (with Exercise Price Amendment Clause) and Conclusion of Facility Agreements (with Suspension of Exercise Designation Clauses) through Third-Party Allotment
Ribomic: Notice regarding changes in the use of funds and planned expenditure periods relating to the 15th Stock Acquisition Rights and the 16th Stock Acquisition Rights due to third party allotments
Ribomic: Securities Registration Form (reference method)
Ribomic: Change report (special target stock, etc.)