YAMADA Consulting Group: Notice Concerning Determination of the Details of Issuance of Stock Options (Stock Acquisition Rights) to Our Employees (Executive Officers)
YAMADA Consulting Group: Issuance of stock options (stock acquisition rights) to our employees (executive officers)
YAMADA Consulting Group: Announcements of individual stocks: Completion of payment for transfer restricted stock compensation in the form of disposal of own shares and partial forfeiture.
YAMADA Consulting Group: Change Report
YAMADA Consulting Group: Notice Concerning Disposal of Treasury Shares as Stock Compensation with Transfer Restricted Shares
YAMADA Consulting Group: Notice regarding completion of payment of disposal of treasury stock as stock reward with transfer restrictions
YAMADA Consulting Group: Notice regarding finalization of the details of the issuance of stock options (stock acquisition rights) to the Company's employees (executive officers)
YAMADA Consulting Group: Notice Concerning Disposal of Treasury Shares as Stock Compensation with Transfer Restricted Shares
YAMADA Consulting Group: Issuance of stock options (stock acquisition rights) to our employees (executive officers)
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Notice on the completion of payment and partial loss of rights of self-stock disposition as a stock reward for transfer restrictions
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Change report (special target stock, etc.)
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Change report.
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Hold a large number of reports (special target stocks, etc.)
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Change report.
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Notice on determining the content of issuing stock options (stock acquisition rights) to employees (executive directors) of the company
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Notice on the disposition of self-shares as a reward for shares subject to transfer restrictions
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: On the issue of stock options (stock acquisition rights) to employees (executive directors) of the company
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Change report.
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: A large number of reports held
YAMADA Consulting Group Co Ltd: Notice of the completion of the payment of the disposition of one's own shares as a reward for shares subject to transfer restrictions