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List of Conversion Stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal Conversion Stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy conversion Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1419> Tamahome 3470 3400 <1605> INPEX 19881924 <1663> K&O Energy 32602960 <1821> Mitsui Construction 422411 <1852> Asanuma Corporation 627613 <1898> Seiki Tokyu 15051462 <2117> Wellneo S 21452117 <2209> Imuraya
Three key points to watch in the early session - while assessing the underlying strength, be mindful of filling in the gaps.
In today's morning trading, three points to focus on are as follows: ■ While assessing firmness, keep in mind the gap filling. ■ Billing System, upward revision of operating profit to 0.616 billion yen from 0.489 billion yen. ■ Key material in the morning: TOPPAN acquiring the USA's flexible packaging business for 271.3 billion yen. ■ While assessing firmness, keep in mind the gap filling. The Japanese stock market on the 20th is likely to start slightly with sales ahead, but there seems to be an awareness of support in the lower range. In the USA market on the 19th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 15 dollars, and Nasdaq...
TOPPAN, Mitsubishi Chemical Group, etc.
*TOPPAN <7911> acquired the soft packaging business of a U.S. company for 271.3 billion yen (Nikkei Industrial page 3) - ○*Murata Manufacturing <6981> produces MLCC in India to capture demand for smartphones (Nikkei Industrial page 3) - ○*Akebono Brake Industry <7238> fund becomes the largest Shareholder, Mr. Nagaoka as president (Nikkei Industrial page 3) - ○*Nippon Steel <5401> participating in iron ore development in Canada with Sojitz (Nikkei Industrial page 3) - ○*Mitsubishi Chemical Group <4188> increases production of synthetic quartz powder, capacity enhancement at Kyushu plant (Nikkei Industrial page 3)
List of Cloud Breakout Stocks [Ichimoku Balance Table, List of Cloud Breakout Stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Close Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo main board <1821> Misumi construction 405 403.75 399.5 <1887> Japan National Land Development 507505488 <2002> Nissin Flour G 18441798.25 1841.5 <2461> Funko 417415.25 407.5 <2594> Key Coffee 20632016205
Hokkan Holdings Sees Growth Amid Economic Recovery
Hokkan Holdings: Financial results briefing materials for the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
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