Hamai: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the reorganization of independent committee members based on responses to large-scale purchase of our company's shares (acquisition defense measures).
Hamai: Independent Company Executives Declaration
HAMAI: Notice Concerning the Introduction of a Stock Remuneration System with Transfer Restrictions
Hamai: Continuation of countermeasures (takeover defense measures) relating to large-scale purchases of the Company's shares
Hamai: Articles of Incorporation 2023/03/02
Hamai Co Ltd: Articles of association 2022-06-29
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice of independent director
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on the transfer of personnel
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on partial changes to the articles of association
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on the Application of selecting "Standard Market" in the Division of New Market
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice of independent director
Hamai Co Ltd: On the continuation of the corresponding strategy (acquisition defense strategy) of the large-scale acquisition of the company's shares
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on the reduction of capital and disposal of surplus
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on the purchase of self-shares of a stock merger with a zero number of less than 1 share
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on mobilizing members of the Independent Committee in the "Countermeasures for large-scale acquisition of shares of the Company (acquisition Defense Strategy)"
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice of personnel transfer
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on taking into account the proceeds from the sale of investment securities (special interests)
Hamai Co Ltd: Notice on the acquisition of shares of a jointly funded company (wholly-owned subsidiary)