Sansei: Independent Company Executives Declaration
Sansei: Regarding matters related to dominant shareholders.
SANSEI: Notice regarding resignation of auditor and election of candidates for auditors
SANSEI: Notice regarding changes in other affiliated companies
SANSEI: Matters relating to controlling shareholders, etc.
Sansei: Notice regarding continuation of countermeasures (takeover defense measures) relating to large-scale purchases of the Company's shares, etc.
Sansei: Articles of association 2023-03-02
Sansei Co Ltd: Articles of association 2022-09-01
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice on the transfer of major shareholders
Sansei Co Ltd: Articles of association 2022-06-29
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice of independent director
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice on personnel
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice on partial changes to the articles of association
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice on the selection of "Standard Market" in New Market Division
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice of receipt of the proposal of the independent committee on the large-scale acquisition of the company's shares and the evaluation, determination and notification of the results of the discussion by the board of directors
Sansei Co Ltd: (correction) partial correction of the notice of the Board of Directors on the beginning of the Evaluation period for large-scale acquisition of shares of the Company
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice on the beginning of the evaluation period of the board of directors on the large-scale acquisition of the shares of the company
Sansei Co Ltd: Information about the large-scale acquisition of the company's shares to provide a notice of completion
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice of written reply to the list of additional necessary information on the large-scale acquisition of shares of the Company
Sansei Co Ltd: Notice on the request for additional information on the large-scale acquisition of the company's shares