GS Yuasa: Amended Securities Registration Statement (Reference Method)
GS Yuasa: Notice regarding disposal of treasury stock through third-party allotment due to continuation of the performance-linked stock compensation system
GS Yuasa: Notice Regarding Disposition of Treasury Shares by Third-Party Allotment in Connection with Continuation of Performance-Based Stock Compensation Plan
GS Yuasa: Securities registration form (reference method)
GS Yuasa: Change Report (Stock Certificates Eligible for Special Provisions, etc.)
GS Yuasa: Confirmation letter
GS Yuasa: Half Year Report - Term 21 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
GS Yuasa: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
GS Yuasa: Notice Regarding First-Half Results and Difference from Previous Forecast
GS Yuasa: Consolidated Earnings Report for the Six Months ended September 30, 2024 (Japanese GAAP)
GS Yuasa: Notice regarding differences between earnings forecasts and actual results for the second quarter (interim period)
GS Yuasa: Change Report (Stock Certificates Eligible for Special Provisions, etc.)
GS Yuasa: Notice Regarding the Pricing of Sustainability-Linked Bonds
GS Yuasa: Notice Concerning Determination of Issuance Conditions for Sustainability-Linked Bonds
GS Yuasa: Supplementary Issuance Registration Documents (Stock Certificates, Corporate Bonds, etc.)
GS Yuasa: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the issuance of sustainability-linked bonds
GS Yuasa: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the issuance of sustainability-linked bonds
GS Yuasa: Correction Issuance Registration Form
GS Yuasa: Consolidated income report (Japan standard) for the three months period until June 30, 2024.
GS Yuasa: Financial statements for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025 [Japan standard] (consolidated)