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Stocks that moved the previous day part 2: Metaplanet, Lannett Co Inc, Sea, ETC.
Stock name <code> 30-day closing price ⇒ Change from previous day Yoshimura Food <2884> 1048 -39 Executives of group companies are suspected of insider Trade. PKSHA Technology <3993> 3720 -200 Similar to Appier, profit-taking Sell from short-term funds due to the rise on the 29th. A team <3662> 974 -15 Favorable selling pressure due to the expiration of the benefits rights. Mitsubishi Papermaking <3864> 610 -1 No particular materials, possibly supply-demand factors like profit-taking Sell. Advant
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
*Prestige International <4290> 733 +73 Positive view on securing operating profit increase for the cumulative third quarter. *Nomura Micro Science <6254> 2580 +222 Introduction of ultrapure water manufacturing equipment to an India company. *NJS <2325> 3750 +305 Speculative buying in response to a road subsidence accident in Yashio City. *Seer Inc <3458> 1704 +90 Ongoing convergence to TOB price related to MBO implementation. *Symphonia Technology <6
OSG To Go Ex-Dividend On January 30th, 2025 With 40 JPY Dividend Per Share
January 29th (Japan Standard Time) - $OSG(6757.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on January 30th, 2025.Shareholders of record on January 31st, 2025 will receive 40 JPY dividend per share. The ex-dividend
3D matrix ETC [stocks with appeal seen from Volume changes]
Closing prices of the stocks and their changes in Volume *<7640>* Top Culture 146114121400 *<9556>* INTLOOP 6200790505600 *<6599>* Eblen 225526241900 *<3841>* GDat 1425135126600 *<1430>* 1st Corp 83433143900 *<7777>* 3D Matrix 11975646500 *<7379>* Circu 6522253700 *<4446>* Link-U G50240
Ranking of Volume change rate (morning session) - Oji HD, Intest Corp and others are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last 5 days with the volume on the day of distribution, one can understand market participants' interests such as trends in selection. ■ Top volume change rates [As of December 13, 9:35] (Comparison of the last 5 days average volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <8072> Publishing Trade 100 107185.08 400% 0% <7857> Se
December 13 [Today's investment strategy]
[FISCO Selected Stock]【Material Stock】Raksul <4384> 1106 yen (12/12) operates a printing and advertising sharing platform called "Raksul." The first quarter financial results have been announced. The operating profit is 0.972 billion yen (up 79.7% year-on-year). The operating profit for the fiscal year ending July 2025 is estimated to be between 3.2 billion and 3.7 billion yen (up 26.8% to 46.6% compared to the previous term). Additionally, a Share Buyback will be implemented, with a maximum of 0.7 million shares corresponding to 1.20% of the outstanding Stock, amounting to 0.7 billion yen.