Refinverse Group: Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds
Refinverse Group: Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds from Our Consolidated Subsidiaries
Refinverse Group: Information on business plans and growth potential
Refinverse Group: Notice regarding the resolution of important deficiencies to be disclosed in internal controls relating to financial reporting
Refinverse Group: Announcement regarding the distribution of the financial results explanation video for the June 2024 fiscal period.
REFINVERSE GROUP: Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds from Our Consolidated Subsidiaries
Refinverse Group: Notice regarding changes in major shareholders due to sale of our shares, changes in the largest shareholder who is a major shareholder, and commencement of consideration of capital and business alliances
Refinverse Group: Notice Concerning Borrowing of Funds from Our Consolidated Subsidiaries
Refinverse Group: Notice of commencement of efforts to recycle airbags from used automobiles utilizing the car insurance system of Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance and ABT
Refinverse Group: Notice regarding important deficiencies to be disclosed in internal control relating to financial reporting
Refinverse Group: Materials related to business plans and growth potential
Refinverse Group: Independent Officer Notification Form
Refinverse Group: Notice regarding video distribution of financial results explanation for the fiscal year ending 2023/6
Refinverse Group: Notice regarding transfer of certified public accountants, etc.
Refinverse Group: Notice regarding the fact that the disclosure of financial results for the fiscal year ending June 2023 exceeded 50 days after the end of the fiscal year
Refinverse Group: Notice regarding the postponement of the announcement of full-year financial results for the fiscal year ending June 2023
Refinverse Group: Licensing of fishing net recycling technology to RMO
Refinverse Group: Licensing of airbag recycling technology to Toyota Tsusho Corporation
Refinverse Group: Development of a new bio-material “ReFeZer” using bird feather “feather” as a raw material
Refinverse Group: Notice on the release of the video of the second quarter financial results in June 2023