Shimadzu: Independent Officer Notification Form
Shimadzu: Notice regarding revisions to the details of the stock compensation system for directors, etc.
Shimadzu Corporation: Notice regarding changes in officers, etc.
Shimadzu: Notice Concerning Continuation of the Medium- to Long-Term Performance-Linked Stock Remuneration System
Shimadzu: Independent Officer Notification Form
Shimadzu: Articles of association 2023-03-02
Shimadzu: Notice on the transfer of personnel
Shimadzu: With regard to the receipt of the investigation report of the external investigation committee and the company's countermeasures
Shimadzu Corp: Notice on transfer of subsidiary companies
Shimadzu Corp: Notice on the results of the public acquisition of the shares of Nishui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (stock code: 4550 Eastern Standard & Poor's Market)
Shimadzu Corp: (change) notice on the change of the notice on the commencement of the Public acquisition of shares of Rishui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Submitted by the revised notice of the notice of offer
Shimadzu Corp: Articles of association 2022-06-28
Shimadzu Corp: Notice on the commencement of a public acquisition of the shares of Nishui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (stock code: 4550 East Stock Exchange Gold Market)
Shimadzu Corp: (disclosure) notice on the commencement of the public acquisition of the shares of Nishui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (stock code: 4550 East Stock Exchange Gold Market)
Shimadzu Corp: Notice on the commencement of a public acquisition of the shares of Nishui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (stock code: 4550 East Stock Exchange Gold Market)
Shimadzu Corp: Notice of independent director
Shimadzu Corp: Notice on the transfer of personnel
Shimadzu Corp: Notice on the Application for the selection of "Gold Market" in the New Market Division of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Shimadzu Corp: Shimadzu Integration report 2021
Shimadzu Corp: Notice of independent director