US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.487
  • 0.0000.00%
15min DelayClose Jun 11 14:17 ET
164.46MMarket Cap3.87P/E (TTM)


Financiera Independencia SAB de CV engages in microfinance lending of personal loans to individuals and working capital loans through group lending microfinance. Its products include CrediInmediato, a revolving credit line available to individuals earning at least the minimum wage; CrediPopular, a credit focused on the informal sector of the Mexican economy; CrediMamá, a credit intended for mother with at least one child under the age of 18; CrediConstruye, a credit available to individuals earning at least the monthly minimum wage; and MásNómina, a credit which is discounted via the payroll and is intended for the employees of public or private institutions affiliated with the company. The company was founded by José Luis Rión Santisteban on July 22, 1993 and is headquartered in Mexico City, Mexico.

Company Profile

MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
AddressProlongación Paseo de la Reforma,600-312 Col. Santa Fe Pe?a Blanca
CityMexico City
ProvinceDistrito Federal
Zip Code01210

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Jose Luis Rion Santisteban
  • Chairman of the Board
  • --
  • Maite Rion Cantu
  • Director
  • --
  • Horacio Altamirano Gonzalez
  • Director
  • --
  • Eduardo Bernhart Messmacher Henriquez
  • Director
  • --
  • Carlos Morodo Santisteban
  • Director
  • --
  • Roberto Alfredo Cantu Lopez
  • Director
  • --
  • Jose Rion Cantu
  • Director
  • --
  • Ana Paula Rion Cantu
  • Director
  • --
  • Hector Angel Rodriguez Acosta
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Jose Ramon Elizondo Anaya
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Carlos Javier de la Paz Mena
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Iker Ignacio Arriola Penalosa
  • Secretary of the Board
  • --
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