US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.000
  • 0.0000.00%
15min DelayClose Dec 20 09:30 ET
0Market Cap0.00P/E (TTM)

About KLCCY Company

Kl?ckner & Co. SE engages in the production and distribution of steel and metal products. It operates through the following segments: Kloeckner Metals US, Kloeckner Metals Services Europe, Kloeckner Metals Switzerland, and Kloeckner Metals Distribution Europe. Its products include flat steel products, long steel products, tubes and hollow sections, stainless and high-grade steel, and aluminum. The company was founded by Peter Kl?ckner on June 28, 1906 and is headquartered in Duisburg, Germany.

Company Profile

Company NameKLCCY
MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
AddressAm Silberpalais 1
Zip Code47057

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Dr. Ralph Heck
  • Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • --
  • Professor Dr. Dieter H. Vogel
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board
  • --
  • Dr. Tobias Kollmann
  • Member of the Supervisory Board
  • --
  • Ute Wolf
  • Member of the Supervisory Board
  • --
  • Uwe Ferdinand Rohrhoff
  • Member of the Supervisory Board
  • --
  • Friedhelm Loh
  • Member of the Supervisory Board
  • --
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