US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.035
  • +0.005+16.67%
Close Dec 26 16:00 ET
0Market Cap0.00P/E (TTM)

About OUSTER INC C/WTS 29/09/2025(TO PUR COM) Company

Ouster, Inc. engages in the provision of high resolution digital lidar sensors that offer advanced 3D vision to machinery, vehicles, robots, and fixed infrastructure assets. The company was founded on June 30, 2015 and is headquartered in San Francisco, CA.

Company Profile

Company NameOUSTER INC C/WTS 29/09/2025(TO PUR COM)
Listing DateOct 9, 2020
CEOMr. Angus Pacala
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
Address350 Treat Avenue
CitySan Francisco
CountryUnited States of America
Zip Code94110

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Angus Pacala
  • Director and Chief Executive Officer
  • 1.06M
  • Darien Spencer
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • 1.63M
  • Mark Frichtl
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • --
  • Mark B. Weinswig
  • Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer
  • 1.68M
  • Susan Heystee
  • Vice Chairman of the Board
  • 375.84K
  • Dr. Theodore L. Tewksbury III, PhD
  • Chairman of the Board
  • 373.58K
  • Christina C Correia
  • Director
  • --
  • Stephen A. Skaggs
  • Director
  • --
  • Virginia Boulet
  • Independent Director
  • 329.28K
  • Ernest E. Maddock
  • Independent Director
  • 343.45K
  • Megan Chung
  • General Counsel and Secretary
  • --
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