US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.003
  • +0.001+23.08%
15min DelayClose Dec 20 16:00 ET
4.13MMarket Cap0.00P/E (TTM)

About SUNCLIFF INC Company

Suncliff, Inc. operates as a holding company, which holds real estate, equipment, brands, and technology that are leased or licensed to legally operating CBD and cannabis entities. Its brands include SNB, Jamrock, Groov Chews, ROCIT CONEZ, and SUNCLIFF. The company was founded by Douglas Norman MacDonald on July 21, 1998 and is headquartered in Tacoma, WA.

Company Profile

CEODouglas N. Mcdonald
MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends12-30
Address711 Court A,Suite 204
CountryUnited States of America
Zip Code98402

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Douglas N. Mcdonald
  • Director; Chief Executive Officer and President of the Company and Vencash Capital Corporation
  • --
  • Kim Law
  • Chief Financial Officer, Vice President of Finance and Director
  • --
  • Robert L. Robins
  • Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director
  • --
  • Sonja Dreyer
  • Executive Assistant to Board of Directors and Vice President of Administration
  • --
  • Bernd Reuscher
  • Director
  • --
  • Roy Queen
  • Director
  • --
  • Lcol J.A.P. Thon,Cd,Cd Retired Honorary
  • Director
  • --
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