US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 4.540
  • 0.0000.00%
15min DelayClose Aug 13 16:00 ET
230.68MMarket Cap-10.99P/E (TTM)

About SODICK CO LTD Company

Sodick Co., Ltd. engages in the development, manufacturing and sale of machine tools, industrial equipment, and food processing systems. It operates through the following segments: Machine Tools, Industrial Machinery, Food Processing Machinery, and Others. The Machine Tools segment offers electric discharge machinery and machining centers. The Industrial Machinery segment produces plastic injection molding machines. The Food Processing Machinery segment focuses on the different kinds of equipment and plants for the manufacture of noodles. The Others segment includes the leasing, precision molds, and element technology businesses. The company was founded in February 1971 and is headquartered in Yokohama, Japan.

Company Profile

MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
AddressResearch & Technology Center,3-12-1 Nakamachidai,Tsuzuki-Ku
Zip Code224-8522

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Hiroshi Maejima
  • Director, Chief Financial Officer and Managing Executive Officer
  • --
  • Yuji Akutsu
  • Director, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Officer and Vice President
  • --
  • Hideki Tsukamoto
  • Director, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Production Officer and Senior Managing Executive Officer
  • --
  • Kenichi Furukawa
  • Director and President
  • --
  • Haruchika Gohara
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Yoshikazu Goto
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Kenzo Nonami
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Kazunao Kudo
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Ayako Sano
  • Independent Director
  • --
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