US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes


  • 0.000
  • 0.0000.00%
15min DelayClose Dec 20 09:30 ET
0Market Cap0.00P/E (TTM)

About TOWA BANK Company

The Towa Bank, Ltd. engages in commercial banking activities. It operates through the Banking and Others divisions. The Banking division provide financial services which includes deposit, lending, and domestic and foreign exchange. The Others division includes leasing, credit guarantee, and credit card businesses. The company was founded on June 11, 1917 and is headquartered in Maebashi, Japan.

Company Profile

Company NameTOWA BANK
CEOMr. Hiroshi Ebara
MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends03-31
Address2-12-6 Honmachi
Zip Code371-8560

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Hiroshi Ebara
  • Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
  • --
  • Isao Kitazume
  • Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer
  • --
  • Susumu Okabe
  • Director and Managing Executive Officer
  • --
  • Shinichiro Suzuki
  • Director and Managing Executive Officer
  • --
  • Hiroyuki Sakurai
  • Director, Vice President and Executive Officer
  • --
  • Rikako Oonishi
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Dr. Takeshi Mizuguchi, PhD
  • Independent Director
  • --
  • Akira Maruyama
  • Independent Director
  • --
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