US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

WTER The Alkaline Water

  • 0.050
  • -0.005-8.55%
15min DelayClose Dec 20 16:00 ET
771.24KMarket Cap-0.02P/E (TTM)

About The Alkaline Water Company

The Alkaline Water Co., Inc. engages in the business of distributing, marketing, and selling bottled alkaline water. It is involved in offering retail consumers bottled alkaline water in 1-gallon, 3-liter, 1.5-liter, 1-liter, 700ml, and 500ml sizes under the trade name Alkaline88. The company was founded by Richard A. Wright on June 6, 2011, and is headquartered in Scottsdale, AZ.

Company Profile

Company NameThe Alkaline Water
Listing DateDec 10, 2018
CEOMr. David A. Guarino
MarketPink Market
Fiscal Year Ends03-31
Address8541 East Anderson Drive,Suite 100/101
CountryUnited States of America
Zip Code85255

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • David Guarino
  • Chief Executive Officer and Director
  • --
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