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Asian Equities Traded in the US as American Depositary Receipts Edge Lower in Tuesday Trading
After the sudden change in regulatory direction, attention turns to three major variables regarding Cryptos!
Multiple insiders have revealed that a relaxation of regulatory attitudes may trigger a chain reaction, reshaping the Industry ecosystem.
Bitcoin and Ethereum are experiencing a significant plunge. It is unclear how the market will proceed. It is also uncertain what the next steps should be. Let's provide a step-by-step guide!
At midnight, Bitcoin experienced a slight rebound, reaching a high of 95,182 before market sentiment once again turned bearish. From early morning to morning, the market saw a rapid increase in volume, forming a three-wave downward trend, with the lowest point now reaching 90,800.
Pessimistic emotions continue to spread! The cryptocurrency market experiences a major plunge.
On Tuesday, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many well-known altcoins are still under pressure, and investors in the cryptocurrency market seem to be turning to other fields, while the industry is still reeling from the impact of the largest ever hacking attack it has ever experienced last week.
Meme coins have exhausted investors; what is the next catalyst?
Analysts indicate that "investor sentiment could be as low, or even lower, than when the FTX collapsed. New meme coins are being launched almost every day, with some celebrities involved in hype and sell-offs."
A major heist has occurred in the cryptocurrency Industry: nearly 1.5 billion dollars worth of tokens have been stolen from the Global second largest cryptocurrency Exchange.
① Last week, Bybit, the world's second-largest Exchange for Cryptos, was hacked, resulting in the theft of 1.46 billion dollars' worth of Ethereum, marking the largest single currency theft on record; ② Ben Zhou, co-founder and CEO of Bybit, stated that even if the loss cannot be recovered, Bybit has the ability to make compensation; ③ Bybit has nearly fully covered the loophole of the stolen Ethereum and currently has no liquidity issues.