PATH:截至2025年3月31日的財年第二季度(中期)財務業績摘要 [日本公認會計原則](合併)
PATH:半年度報告-第三十五學期 (2024/04/01-2025/03/31)
前一天有波動的股票 part2 東京地鐵、住石HD、格力等
股票名稱<代碼>23日收盤價⇒前日比霞關資本公司<3498> 14470 -620CB發行導致稀釋疑慮繼續。pool corp<6098> 9170 -476成長股的代表性股票遭遇賣出。root inc<6323> 2059 -7322成交量擴大持續上漲但留有上影線。艾絲pool corp<2471> 333 -172跌破5日均線後平倉賣出佔優勢。rakuten inc.<4755> 909.3 -2
成交量漲跌幅排行榜(9點)~ 法馬食品、大和現等公司入圍
※成交量漲跌幅排行榜可以通過比較最近5天的平均成交量和當日成交量來了解市場參與者的興趣,例如物色趨勢等。■成交量漲跌幅前列 [10月23日 9:32 現在](最近5天平均成交量比較) 代碼 銘柄名 成交量 5日平均成交量 成交量漲跌幅 株價漲跌幅<4616>川上塗10010 7185.08 400% 0%<4629>大伸化學24000 216.09
[FISCO Selected Stocks] [Material Stocks] Mingxing Industry <1976> 1254 yen (10/22) Thermal insulation work such as power plants, chemical plants, LNG-related facilities, etc. is the main business. The expected operating profit is 3.9 billion yen (a 43.3% increase from the previous period). It has been raised by about 35% from the previous forecast. Maintenance work in the domestic market is solid. Cost control has also contributed. The full-year forecast has not been revised. The operating profit for the first half of the fiscal year ending in March 25 is 7.2 billion yen (compared to the previous period's 1.