Photosynth:截至2024/12财年的财务业绩摘要 [日本公认会计原则](合并)
※成交量涨跌幅排行榜可以通过比较最近5天的平均成交量和当天的成交量来了解市场参与者的关注点和热点。■成交量涨跌幅前列【12月4日 13:47 现在】(最近5天平均成交量比较) 代码⇒名称⇒成交量⇒5日平均成交量⇒成交量涨跌比率⇒股价涨跌比率 <9087>タカセ200120400.00%0% <6018>阪神燃19700180382.84%0.023% <3662>
前一日有所动作的股票 part2 大和重工、美波HD、GC乔伊科等
股票名称<代码>12日收盘价⇒前一日比波拉奥尔HD<4927> 1368.5 -78.07-9月期虽然略高于共识,但市场环境恶化仍令人警惕。大和重工<5610> 1445 +300进行管理买断交易,收购价1620日元对齐。NEX群<6634> 115 +14 FISCO的股价急剧上涨起到刺激作用。MINATO HD<6862> 795 +100上半年虽然大幅减少盈利,但超过共识预期。SEIKO TEC<6834> 387
<6195> Hope 215 + 1 morning highs, then erase the value. It announced a revision of the performance forecast for the second quarter of the 25th fiscal year, which was well received. The ordinary profit was revised upwards by 57.0% from the previous forecast of 41 million yen to 65 million yen. Due to factors such as the extension of the revenue recognition period (revenue recognition) for some services to the latter half of the year, the expected sales revenue is expected to be lower than the previous forecast of 68 million yen, but the operating profit and ordinary profit have been managed in terms of operating expenses such as marketing costs for sales promotion.