Impression of Sanxiang (000863): Real estate enters the settlement cycle, H1 net profit rises
Impression of Sanxiang (000863): the real estate enters the settlement cycle and the cultural business continues to advance.
Impression of Sanxiang (000863): fully invigorate the stock of assets, literature and tourism business continues to advance.
Impression of Sanxiang (000863): newly hired cultural industry background executives + cooperation with Cheng Yilong to accelerate the development of cultural industry
Impression of Sanxiang (000863): management gradually improves green technology real estate + cultural IP two-way endowment can achieve remarkable results.
Sanxiang Impressions (000863) 2019 Report and 2020 Quarterly Report Reviews: Real Estate Pre-Sale Models Surge, Performance Is Guaranteed, Perception, Smooth Transition, and Actively Seek Development
Impression of Sanxiang (000863): the coordinated Development of "Culture + Real Estate" by Shanghai Green Technology Real Estate developers
Impression of Sanxiang (000863): culture and Performing Arts maintain steady growth and the property market in Yanjiao forms a strong catalyst for the recovery.
Impression of Sanxiang (000863) comments: executive change may bring positive change 18 years' performance is expected to improve
Sanxiang impression (000863) Annual report and Quarterly report comments: there has been a sharp decline in performance affected by the real estate adjustment policy.
三湘印象(000863)三季报点评:地产结算拖累业绩 “文化+地产”双主业持续推进
深度*公司*三湘印象(000863)点评:补充计划加大增持力度 文化地产稀缺标的
三湘印象(000863)深度研究:转型周年之际 文化+地产双主业快步推进
三湘印象(000863)公司公告点评:携手云峰IDG 知音号上遇知音
三湘印象(000863)调研简报:牵手云锋、IDG 文化旅游领域布局有望进一步深入
三湘印象(000863)公司公告点评:管理层增持显信心 地产文化齐头并进
深度*公司*三湘印象(000863)点评:董事长再度增持 估值修复迎反弹
深度*公司*三湘印象(000863)点评:高管增持显信心 超跌修复迎空间
深度*公司*三湘印象(000863)深度研究:文化地产齐发力 风格切换迎良机
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