Luyin Ecology (002887) 2023 Interim Report Review: Delayed Project Output Value Transformation Affects Revenue Expected to Be Recovered in the Second Half of the Year
Luyin Ecology (002887) 2023 Interim Report Review: Delayed Project Output Value Transformation Affects Revenue Expected to Be Recovered in the Second Half of the Year
Luyin Ecology (002887) 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Quarterly Report Reviews: Benefiting from the Dual Carbon Target and Accelerated Infrastructure Investment Performance Is Expected to Reverse
Greenland Ecology (002887) 2020 Annual report comments: quality and growth taking into account buyback shows confidence in development
Greenfield Ecology (002887): excellent performance for the whole year, stable and high growth period in the future.
Luyin Ecology (002887) 2020 performance KuaiBao comment report: large operation order helps the performance increase steadily, capital operation enhances the company's strength.
Greenland Ecology (002887) 2020 performance Forecast Review: the performance is in line with the expected signing of a large order to enter the maintenance sector
Luyin Ecology (002887) Company comments: maintenance and operation business breakthrough performance acceleration is sufficient
Greenland Ecology (002887): focus on ecological restoration + municipal greening national ecological strategic layout advantages gradually
Greenland Ecology (002887): after the recovery of the epidemic situation, the high growth trend continues the "small but beautiful" garden company has a long way to go.
Greenfield Ecology (002887) Review of the third Quarterly report in 2020: the results in the third quarter exceeded expectations and the payback increased significantly.
Greenfield Ecology (002887): performance exceeding expectations and substantial improvement in operating cash flow
Greenfield Ecology (002887): Q3 strong revenue growth and continuous improvement in profitability
绿茵生态(002887):三季度业绩超预期 看好未来持续高增长
绿茵生态(002887):业绩符合预期 养管运维业务持续拓展
绿茵生态(002887)2020年中报点评:业绩超预期 跨区域成效显现 布局运维业务
绿茵生态(002887):业绩符合预期 正向“工程+运维”双轮驱动的综合服务商迈进
绿茵生态(002887)首次覆盖报告:生态战略布局向文旅+大环保延伸 工程+运维双轮驱动
绿茵生态(002887):京津冀空间广阔 优质订单支持高增
绿茵生态(002887):高盈利高增长 低负债低费率 立足京津冀 走向全中国