Fenglin Group (601996): Steady increase in revenue expected to restore profitability
Fenglin Group (601996): Steady growth in Q3 revenue and impressive profit performance
Fenglin Group (601996): Qinzhou factory's production capacity release revenue performance is impressive
Fenglin Group (601996): Q4 revenue improved month-on-month, expected restoration of profitability
Fenglin Group (601996): periodic pressure on demand and waiting for profitability improvement
Fenglin Group (601996): asset impairment and rising costs drag short-term performance and steady expansion of leading wood-based panel production capacity
Fenglin Group (601996) 2021 Annual Report Review: Demand Sentiment and Production Expansion Imminent, One-Time Profits and Losses Hedge Each Other
Fenglin Group (601996): asset impairment is a drag on performance, production expansion and new growth
Fenglin Group (601996): revenue is robust, profit margin remains resilient.
Fenglin Group (601996): continuous optimization of product structure and steady expansion of production
Fenglin Group (601996): demand continuous compensation product structure upgrading trend is obvious
Fenglin Group (601996): continuous upgrading of product structure and steady expansion of production capacity
Fenglin Group (601996): building a timber production base to make full use of forest resources
Fenglin Group (601996) 2020 performance KuaiBao comments: the market strong recovery trend continues the product structure upgrade obviously
Fenglin Group (601996): household environmental protection and aldehyde-free trend obvious wood-based panel leader Q4 higher than expected
丰林集团(601996):下游需求持续释放 业绩有望加速增长
丰林集团(601996):下游迎来复苏拐点 钦州项目助力成长
Fenglin Group (601996): performance improvement is expected to continue share buyback to implement employee incentives
丰林集团(601996)2020年中报点评:需求逐步回暖 市场升级延续
丰林集团(601996):中报业绩承压 海外建厂推动产品升级