Ningbo Jingda: Ningbo Jingda Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. issues shares and pays cash to purchase assets and raise supporting capital and related transactions (draft) (revised draft)
Ningbo Jingda: Independent Financial Advisory Report of Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd. on the issuance of shares and payment of cash to purchase assets and raise supporting capital and related transactions by Ningbo Jingda Securities Co., Ltd. (revised draft)
Ningbo Jingda: Ningbo Jingda Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. issues shares and pays cash to purchase assets and raise supporting capital and related transactions (draft) summary (revised draft)
Ningbo Jingda: Announcement of Ningbo Jingda on the adjustment of the compensation plan for the company to issue shares and pay cash to purchase assets and raise supporting capital and related transactions
Explanation of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on measures and commitments to fill the immediate returns of the diluted listed companies in this transaction (revised draft)
Instructions of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingdai Shaping Equipment Co., Ltd. on approving the company\'s additional audit report and preparation review report related to this transaction
Ningbo Jingda: Independent Financial Advisory Report of Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd. on Ningbo Jingda Printing Equipment Co., Ltd.\'s issuance of shares and payment of cash to purchase assets and raise supporting capital and related transactions
Ningbo Jingda: Ningbo Jingda Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. issues shares and pays cash to purchase assets and raise supporting capital and related transactions (draft) summary
Ningbo Jingda: Ningbo Jingda Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. issues shares and pays cash to purchase assets and raise supporting capital and related transactions (draft)
Ningbo Jingda: Minsheng Securities Co., Ltd. “Professional Opinions of Listed Companies Mergers, Acquisitions and Restructurings Financial Advisors Schedule No. 3 - Issuance of Shares to Purchase Assets” of Ningbo Jingda Issuance of Shares and Payment of Cash to Purchase Assets and Related Transactions
Instructions of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on approving the audit reports, review reports, and evaluation reports related to the company\'s transaction
Instructions from the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on whether other third parties or individuals were directly or indirectly hired for a fee in this transaction
Explanation of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on the fact that this transaction is not expected to constitute a restructuring and listing situation as stipulated in Article 13 of the “Administrative Measures on Major Asset Reorganization of Listed Companies”
Explanation of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on the fact that this transaction is not expected to constitute a major asset restructuring situation as stipulated in Article 12 of the “Administrative Measures on Major Asset Reorganization of Listed Companies”
Explanation of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on the fluctuation of the company\'s stock price before the transaction information was released
Explanation of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on the measures and commitments to fill the immediate returns of the diluted listed companies in this transaction
Explanation of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on the purchase and sale of assets within 12 months prior to this transaction
Explanation of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda on the completeness and compliance of legal procedures and the validity of the submitted legal documents in this transaction
The board of directors of Ningbo Jingda explained that this transaction constituted a related transaction
Instructions of the board of directors of Ningbo Jingda that this transaction complies with the provisions of Article 11 and Article 43 of the “Administrative Measures on Major Asset Reorganization of Listed Companies”