China suit Construction (002822): undaunted by the waves in the decoration industry, photovoltaic and property management
Dynamic Review of Cosmopolitan Construction (002822) Co., Ltd.: accelerate the development of new energy construction business and be optimistic about the continued release of future performance
Dynamic Review of Cosmopolitan Construction (002822) Co., Ltd.: steady improvement in performance BIPV and BAPV have a broad space.
Cosco Construction (002822): property + BIPV continuous layout performance steady growth
China suit Construction (002822): steady increase in performance and optimistic about high growth in 2021
Cosco Construction (002822): revenue performance continues to grow, orders are abundant, new business expansion is smooth, and the future can be expected.
Cosmetic Construction (002822): continuous layout of BIPV (BAPV) Construction
Cosco Construction (002822): Q4 performance rapid growth decoration dark horse growth prospects
Cosco Construction (002822): equity incentives highlight confidence that the bottom of the valuation is expected to rise
China suit Construction (002822): equity incentive shows confidence, decorates the dark horse, and has a bright future.
中装建设(002822):科技赋能成就装饰黑马 战略转型提升估值空间
中装建设(002822):收入利润增速全面转正 现金流有所修复
中装建设(002822)季报点评:Q3单季度营收大幅增长 带动营收、净利增速回正
中装建设(002822):装饰黑马强势启航 新兴产业值得期待
中装建设(002822)公司点评:二季度在手订单充足 科技板块渐入佳境
中装建设(002822)季报点评:19年订单、营收稳健增长 20年科技方面投入有望见成效
中装建设(002822)公司点评:涉足IDC领域为区块链提供云数据处理 单季订单快速增长
中装建设(002822)公司点评:与农行签订合作协议 区块链迈出商业变现第一步
中装建设(002822)公司点评:提前卡位行业区块链应用 主业业绩持续提速
中装建设(002822):物管领域再下一城 强强联合协同效应有望凸显