Jinyi Technology (002869): Annual Report Forecast Exceeds Expectations, Smart Transportation Business Strategy Continues to be Implemented
Jinyi Technology (002869): Vehicle-road collaboration ushered in a period of acceleration, and the in-depth layout of the company's industrial chain is expected to benefit the core
Jinyi Technology (002869): ETC grows steadily, and V2X enters a performance fulfillment period
Jinyi Technology (002869): V2X business is gradually starting to gain strength
Jinyi Technology (002869): ETC drives to V2X smart transportation leader “get used to it easily”
Jinyi Technology (002869): OBU front-loading and V2X acceleration
Jinyi Technology (002869): rapid growth in performance and looking forward to accelerating the construction of ETC parking lots
Jinyi Technology (002869): the performance is in line with the expected V2X business is expected to contribute increment.
Jin Yi Technology (002869) 2019 performance KuaiBao comments: performance in line with the expected ETC+V2X business layout continues to be high
Jinyi Technology (002869) 2019 performance Forecast Review: high performance growth V2X is expected to open up growth space
Comments of Jinyi Technology (002869) Co., Ltd.: ETC's fruitful vehicle networking business is worth looking forward to.
Jinyi Technology (002869): higher-than-expected performance and rich technology reserves
Jinyi Science and Technology (002869) three Quarterly report 2019 Preview comment: three Quarterly report Super growth performance continues to release
Jinyi Science and Technology (002869): benefit from ETC Policy performance much better than expected
金溢科技(002869)半年报点评:业绩有望逐季加速 再中大单提升业绩能见度
金溢科技(002869)2019年半年度报告点评:收入、利润双高增 ETC行业龙头业绩有望持续增长
金溢科技(002869)重大事项点评:中标OBU大单确认高景气 拟入股标的引入蚂蚁金服加快ETC后市场推广
金溢科技(002869)公司点评:订单验证行业高景气 公司业绩有望加速兑现
金溢科技(002869)重大事件快评:拟增资入股信联支付 巩固设备龙头地位 协同布局ETC后市场
金溢科技(002869):受益ETC政策推动 业绩大幅增长