Since the company was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in May 1997, it has gone through more than 20 years of development. In recent years, based on a new stage of development, the company has targeted leading enterprises in the industry, actively promoted changes in market-based management mechanisms, continuously strengthened corporate governance capabilities and enterprise management standards. Business performance has improved dramatically, and the development momentum has continued to improve. The company is mainly engaged in three types of business: resource trading, metal trading, and supply chain services. The company actively played a leading role in the industry, serving as vice president of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, vice president of the China Customs Brokerage Association, and vice president of the China Metal Distribution Association, and was rated as a 5A grade steel distribution enterprise by the China Metal Distribution Association, and won the title of “2015-2020 Steel Industry Chain Development Meritorious Enterprise” and “2019 China's Top Ten Steel Sales Enterprises”; the company and its subsidiary Minmetals Logistics were all rated as 5A logistics enterprises by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.