Baichuan Energy (600681): Short-term factors drag down 3Q20 performance and continuous optimization of the business structure
Baichuan Energy (600681) 2019 Annual report & Quarterly report 2020 comments: volume and price pressure drag performance expected structure and improvement of the contradiction between supply and demand
Baichuan Energy (600681): Urban Gas Company with historically low valuation and high dividends
百川能源(600681):销气量同比增长38.22% 所得税增加致利润下滑
Baichuan Energy (600681) 2019 Third Quarter Report Review: Gas Volume Remains Steady, High Growth, Structural Improvements Continue to Advance
Baichuan Energy (600681): Qiliang revenue continues to grow steadily, and epitaxial mergers and acquisitions continue to expand volume
Baichuan Energy (600681): connection reduced to third quarter performance decline, epitaxial mergers and acquisitions continue to provide new momentum for growth
Baichuan Energy (600681) in-depth research report: based on the capital to the national high-quality attribute, steady increase in performance + valuation repair can be expected in the future.
Baichuan Energy (600681): complete the performance momentum of the core region of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei gradually released
百川能源(600681):售气量稳步增长 阜阳项目业绩亮眼
百川能源(600681):天然气销量持续增长 盈利能力稳步提升
百川能源(600681)2019年一季报点评:业绩增长12% 盈利质量下滑
百川能源(600681):分红比例连超50% 19年股息率有望达到4.5%
百川能源(600681)业绩符合预期 未来售气+接驳+外延并购促进持续成长
百川能源(600681):受益“北京外溢”效应 持续成长性被低估
百川能源(600681):燃气销量快速增长 外延并购助力腾飞
百川能源(600681)2018年年报点评:并购推动成长 期待上下游布局
百川能源(600681):18年业绩高速增长 绥中LNG接收站项目快速推进
百川能源(600681)2018年年报点评:业绩符合预期 期待外延扩张
百川能源(600681)年报点评:年报业绩符合预期 多举措发力 未来业绩确定性较强
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